Neodym-Magnete: Die stärksten Seltenerdmagnete für jede Anwendung

Was sind Neodym-Magnete?
Neodym-Magnete sind hergestellt aus Neodym, Eisenund Bor. These elements make a strong mix. This mix is called NdFeB. This is why we also call them NdFeB-Magnete. We at [Your Company Name] make a lot of these. We are NdFeB magnet manufacturers. We make them strong and safe.
- Stark: They are the strongest Dauermagnete können Sie kaufen.
- Sicher: We coat them. This stops rust.
Warum sind Neodym-Magnete am stärksten?
It’s all about the science!
- Inside Look: NdFeB has a special shape inside. It is like a tiny box. This shape makes the Magnet sehr stark.
- Adding Dysprosium: We sometimes add Dysprosium. This helps them when they are get hot.
Grades and How Strong They Are
Magnete have grades, these indicate Magnet Grad . Wie N35, N42, oder N52 . The higher the number, the stronger the Magnet. N52 is the top grade!
Klasse | How Strong (Pull Force) | How Well It Handles Heat (Curie Temperature) | Use It For |
N35 | Nicht so stark | Unter | Toys, simple magnetische Module |
N42 | Stärkere | Mittel | Haushaltsgeräte, some Elektrofahrzeug Motoren |
N52 | The strongest! | Still a bit lower, but better | Windkraftanlagen, very good Elektrofahrzeugmotoren, MRI Maschinen |
We have a very wide range of Magnet Grad und Magnet-Beschichtung solutions, if you need something special check out our guide on Kundenspezifische Neodym-Magnete
Other Magnets vs. Neodymium
- Ferrit-Magnete: Weaker and cheaper.
- Alnico-Magnete: Good in heat, but not as strong.
- Samarium-Kobalt-Magnete: Strong and good in heat, but cost more.
- Neodym is best balance of strength and price.
What Can You Use Neodymium Magnets For? Every Application
Es gibt so many things you do with these Magneten.
Cars and Trucks
- Elektrofahrzeuge (EVs): NdFeB-Magnete machen. EV motors work better. They help cars go farther on one charge^4.
- Windturbinen: Groß NdFeB-Magnete turn wind into power. One ton of NdFeB-Magnete can make one to two megawatts of Windkraftanlage Macht^5!
- Wir machen motor magnets for wind turbines, specifically for high-power Windenergieerzeugung.
- Sensoren: Magnete help cars know how fast they are going.
- Unser Ringmagnete are used in many modern Automobilherstellung Prozesse.
Things in Your House
- Telefone, Redner und Computers:: Small, strong Magnete are inside!, NdFeB-Magnete are now used in 90% of phone vibration motors^6.
- Unser custom ndfeb for electronics are used in a wide array of consumer electronics.
Hospitals and Airplanes
- MRI-Maschinen: Groß Magnete help doctors see inside you. Each Magnetresonanztomographie machine needs lots of NdFeB magnets..
- Flugzeuge: Magnete help planes know where they are.
- We are experts in crafting Neodym dauerhaft magnets of the highest grade for Aerospace Engines and Electric Propulsion Systems.
How to Pick the Right Neodymium Magnet (A Quick Guide)
It’s important to find the one that is correct.
Dinge, über die man nachdenken sollte
- Klasse:
- N42: Good, and not too costly.
- N52: The best, but costs more. We are a great place to get a N52 Magnet.
- Beschichtung:
- Nickel: Keeps it from rusting.
- Zink: Also stops rust.
- Epoxidharz: For tough places.
- Wärme:
- Make sure it can handle the heat.
- If it gets too hot, it can lose its power.
- Form:
- We make all shapes!
- Scheiben, Blöcke, Ringe; We can do it all!
Where to Get Your Magnets von einer Magnet Factory!
Buy from makers like us! We check everything so we offer the best selection of NdFeB Magnete Fabrik direct products.. This means you get the best. We also give good prices when you buy a lot.
Need something special?: Ask us! We can make a Magnet nur für Sie.
Why Pick [Your Company Name]?
We are the best at making these Magnete.
- We Know a Lot: We have made NdFeB-Magnete for many years.
- Wir prüfen alles:
- We use special rules (ISO 9001).
- We test how strong they are.
- Just for You: We can make any Magnet Sie benötigen.
- Schneller Versand: We send our magnets fast.
How to Be Safe With Magnets
Neodym-Magnete are strong. But you need to be careful to make sure you use them correctly.
Things to Watch Out For Magnet Safety
- They can break.
- They can pinch!
- Sie können ihre Macht verlieren.
Tips From Us
- Use something soft between them.
- Erhitzen Sie sie nicht zu stark.
- We tell you how to be safe with every order.
Fragen, die Sie haben könnten (FAQ)
Can these magnets work when it's very hot?
How do I stop rust?
Can I get a deal if I buy a lot?
Neodym-Magnete, NdFeB-Magnete, are the best! They can do so much. From Elektrofahrzeugmotoren to new Magnetresonanztomographie Optionen!
Want to use these strong magnets? Look at what we have. Oder ask our experts. We can help you. We offer unparalleled options for Kundenspezifische Neodym-Magnete.
Willkommen bei den kundenspezifischen NdFeB-Magnetdiensten unserer Fabrik, wo Ihre Ideen und Bedürfnisse Wirklichkeit werden.
Teilen Sie uns einfach Ihre Konzepte, Anforderungen oder Konstruktionszeichnungen mit, und wir werden eng mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten, um hochwertige NdFeB-Magnete herzustellen, die genau auf Ihre Spezifikationen und Leistungsstandards zugeschnitten sind.
Sie profitieren von wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen, kostenlosen Mustern und professioneller technischer Unterstützung durch unser engagiertes Team, so dass der Anpassungsprozess problemlos, sicher und kosteneffizient verläuft.
Unser Ziel ist es, sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Produkte mit einem Höchstmaß an Qualität und Präzision hervorragende Leistungen erbringen.
Wirtschaftsentwicklungszone, Industriepark, Shehong City, Provinz Sichuan, China.
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